CS371p Fall 2021: Xuefei Zhao

Xuefei Zhao
2 min readOct 16, 2021


  1. What did you do this past week?
    This past week I worked on the Allocator project with my partner. We finished the constructor and the allocate method of myAllocator. We also wrote some unit tests for the constructor and the allocate method, and we passed all of the unit tests.
  2. What’s in your way?
    I’ve been busy this weekend. I think Allocator is a hard project, and I’m a bit worried that if we can finish the project on time.
  3. What will you do next week?
    I plan to continue work on the Allocator project with my partner.
  4. If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #8: Liskov Substitution Principle?
    I think the paper further explores the OOD beyond the Open-Closed Principle. My most important takeaway from the Liskov Substitution Principle is that think more about the behavior of the class rather than its intrinsic implementation. Although the design might be not intuitive, it will turn out to be more robust.
  5. What was your experience of arrays and allocator?
    I remember this concept from one of my CS429 assignments, where we were building a heap from scratch. Since I had some experience with C, the idea of representing an array as a pointer is straightforward for me. I think the idea of sentinels was a little bit confusing at first, but the lectures explained them well.
  6. What made you happy this week?
    I went to Katy and had Meet Fresh, which is a Taiwanese dessert. I’m a fan of taro, and I love their taro balls!
  7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
    I’m learning CMakeLists to compile and run C++ code. If you are familiar with software development, I think CMakeLists is like the packages or configuration file. It specifies the requirements of libraries and other information about the project.



Xuefei Zhao
Xuefei Zhao

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